Features Daily Stories The Oregonian - Politics

Oregon Democrats weigh competing proposals to cap political donations

New proposals introduced in the state Senate last week would set strict limits to quell the exorbitant spending in Oregon elections — without the same loopholes included in other bills introduced by top Democrats this session.

Grant Stringer - Oregon Democrats weigh competing proposals to cap political donations

The Oregonian - Politics

Democrats fall short, Republicans advance, in first test of new Oregon congressional map

At least two Republicans, Lori Chavez-DeRemer and Cliff Bentz, will represent Oregon in Congress next year after new electoral districts passed by Democratic state lawmakers turned out to be more competitive in some cases for Republicans

Grant Stringer - Democrats fall short, Republicans advance, in first test of new Oregon congressional map

The Oregonian - Politics

National outside groups pumping big money into two key Oregon Congressional races

A top Republican super PAC will spend $800,000 to fund an ad blitz in Oregon’s battleground 6th Congressional District, where GOP candidate Mike Erickson is locked in a heated race with Democrat Andrea Salinas for a seat that was once considered to be safely Democratic.

Grant Stringer - National outside groups pumping big money into two key Oregon Congressional races

The Oregonian - Politics

National Republicans inject big money into races for Oregon Legislature, amid national bid to wrest control of more statehouses

A wing of the national Republican party is pumping big money into races for the Oregon Legislature, including launching an ad blitz for four GOP candidates in state Senate districts where party leaders think supermajority Democrats are vulnerable.

Grant Stringer - National Republicans inject big money into races for Oregon Legislature, amid national bid to wrest control of more statehouses

The Oregonian - Politics

Oregon voter offices flooded with records requests from 2020 election deniers

As Oregon election officials are busy preparing for a November election with pivotal races for Congress and the Legislature, they’ve found themselves buried in a wave of records requests and letters threatening lawsuits.

Grant Stringer - Oregon voter offices flooded with records requests from 2020 election deniers

The Oregonian - Politics